National Operational Program “For the School (2014-2020)
Programma Operativo Nazionale Per la Scuola (2014-2020)
Territorial Level:
ESL Europe Average in 2022:
9,6 %
Country ESL rate in 2022:
Policy Description:
The Program contains the main educational priorities and works on the reduction of territorial gaps and the support of students at risk in education. In 2021 was modified including some additional objectives because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is co-funded by the European Union.
Policy Body of Reference:
Ministry of Education
Time period:
2014-2020 (updated in 2021)
Vulnerable Population mentioned:
Yes (disabilities and students characterized by special fragility)
Most important Let's Care Pillar:
Safe Learning
Safe School Dimensions covered:
- Training for teachers: in methodologies to tackle early school leaving, innovation, individualized learning and school management.
- Family involvement in the school community: increasing activities for family involvement in school.
- Identification of risks and educational needs: improving the analysis based on early school leaving drivers.
- Educational support: offering actions to reinforce knowledge and competencies of different school disciplines.
- Financial support: scholarships for advanced students.
- Offer educational and professional guidance: boosting mentoring and educational advice.
- Individualization of learning: offering teachers’ training in methodologies that help to individualize the learning.
- Exploration-based learning: strengthening laboratory practices and experiences in international education systems (through Erasmus projects).
- After-school activities: enriching sports and other activities outside the school hours.
- Working in the school coexistence climate: improving teachers’ skills in class management and disciplinary practices.
Methodogical Note:
More than 60 policies from 11 countries have been examined to detect the top ten most comprehensive (considering what ESL policies’ dimensions have been prioritized, what vulnerable groups are considered, and what systemic levels stand out).The template dimensions analysed are training for teachers; teachers’ well-being; teacher participation; family involvement in the school community; training and advice for families; family participation in the educational process; identification of risks and educational needs; early school leaving warning system; educational support; emotional support; financial support; specialized and support personnel; offer educational and professional guidance; make curriculum flexible; make the management of times and spaces flexible; individualization of learning; permeability of educational system; facilitate transitions between school stages; exploration-based learning; develop socio-emotional skills; avoid segregation; language support; expert support to inclusion; institutional sensitivity; links between school and other actors; after-school activities; working in the school coexistence climate; physical characteristics of the school; and enable student participation in school. The vulnerable circumstances studied are gender, migrant background, ethnicity, disabilities, and non-parental care. The systemic levels considered are individual, relational, community, and political.The whole Database is available in Excel files in this HUB in case someone would like to consult them. In these Excel files, detailed methodological clarifications can be found. Bear in mind that the Policy Database is linked to the Let’s Care project Deliverable D2.2. entitled “Policy paper: economics of early school dropout: impact assessment and policy recommendations”. Therefore, the whole explanation of the methodological criteria applied can be found in Deliverable D.2.2 Annex III.
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