Fonden for Socailt Ansvar
Evidence of results
Purpose related to Let's Care
Level of Education
Brief description of the Project
To achieve greater involvement in children's lives by parents, especially minority parents, in relation to home-school cooperation, parenting, etc.
Baba creates changes in the parents and strengthens their relationship with the family. Many parents with a history of non-parental care find themselves outside the family, and through Baba, they get support to become more active parents who participate in their children's lives and can also be a follower during their upbringing.
In addition to creating change in themselves and their own lives, Baba volunteers also go through a learning process. It equips them to effect change in other parents in their network and local area. The learning process consists of 18 modules, in which they gain knowledge on various topics related to family life, their own role as a parent, cooperation with communities and local authorities, etc.
A central element of the efforts are also the Baba dialogue meetings, which build trust between parents and the professionals who are part of the children's lives. Participating here includes health nurses, educators or social workers from the municipality. Dialogue meetings create the framework for equitable conversations, where the parties resolve any challenges together.
Type of Action
Target Group and Determinants attended
Professionals involved
Networking - Actors and Institutions mobilised by the Project
The Foundation's previous work on similar projects gives them years of experience in the field. Similarly, an initial survey was carried out with 1264 parents from more than 40 different networks throughout the country to listen to their wishes and needs, and at the same time, public actors from ministries, municipalities, institutions (schools, kindergartens, etc.), as well as town planning employees, etc., were spoken to.
On the parents' side, distrust of the system. On the part of the authorities, distrust of parents. Similarly, many parents do
not get involved in their children's education until it is too late.
Grade of linkage with the Safe Education Model
The program is based on equipping parents with the tools to become more involved in their children's lives. Therefore, the link is a central element in the educational proposal, preventing no parental care.
Grade of linkage with the purpose of Let's Care
The programme highlights the importance of prevention in terms of ensuring the best possible conditions for all children and young people. On their website they relate higher rates of school failure and early school leaving in those students who have suffered parental care and highlight the fundamental importance of strengthening the parent-child bond starting from early stages.
Grade of evidence about impact and political relevance
The programme collaborates with different partners and sponsors, both third sector organisations (foundations) and government bodies. Similarly, the organising entity of the Baba programme, through other programs it leads, is capable of generating political impact at the national level.
As for the impact, not much quantitative information is provided. An external evaluation in 2016 indicated that 15 volunteers from the program were able to reach more than 600 parents. In terms of qualitative information, questionnaires and interviews indicate a generalised satisfaction of parents and students. The reflection of this satisfaction in the academic results of the students is not demonstrated.
Grade of evidence about impact - Project deliverables
The programme has a national impact, with a common curricular plan and based on experience. It is supported by stable funding and the establishment of a network of reliable partners.
Parental care, attachment, prevention