Let's Care Project


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Let’s Care Hub

Funded by the European Union under Horizon Europe programme – Grant Agreement 101059425

Balia Childhood

Balia Infancia

Fundación Balia


Evidence of results

Purpose related to Let's Care

Level of Education



Safe LearningSafe Teaching

Brief description of the Project






"Public & private (Part of its funding comes from public funds, both local and national, through grants and contracts for the provision of public services. It also receives funding from private companies and foundations, as well as donations from individuals)."


To favour inclusion through socio-educational assistance and prevention programmes.
To provide educational and life opportunities that allow children at risk to develop their individual talents and citizenship skills in order to break the cycle of poverty and grow up as fulfilled, integrated and happy people.


Balia Infancia's methodology is based on a comprehensive and personalised approach to meet the needs of children and young people in vulnerable situations. The organisation focuses on working as a team and collaborating with families, volunteers and other professionals to ensure that children and young people receive the attention they need.
Balia Infancia's methodology focuses on developing children and young people's social and emotional skills, fostering self-esteem, confidence and motivation so that they can reach their full potential. The organisation uses coaching and mentoring tools to strengthen these skills and help young people find their way towards social and work integration.
In addition, Balia Infancia promotes leisure and culture as a fundamental part of the integral development of children and young people in vulnerable situations. To this end, they offer various leisure and cultural activities that allow them to explore their interests and skills and develop their creativity.
The organisation also pays attention to the families of the children and young people, offering support in areas such as education, health and employment, with the aim of improving their socio-economic situation and strengthening their capacity to care for and educate their children.
In short, Balia Infancia's methodology focuses on personalised attention, teamwork and collaboration with families and other professionals to ensure comprehensive care for children and young people in vulnerable situations.

Type of Action

Cultural and recreational activitiesSchool reinforcementWorkshops (dance or performing arts)

Target Group and Determinants attended

EducatorsPsychologists and counselorsVolunteers

Professionals involved

EducatorsPsychologists and counsellor

Networking - Actors and Institutions mobilised by the Project

NGOs or third sector organisations


Having a concrete intervention model makes it possible to evaluate results and propose improvements in order to increase the impact of the programmes and, consequently, their positive impact on society. Additionally, people who work in the foundation feel that the educational and institutional project is their own. They believe in what they do and see the results on a daily basis. Sometimes the difficulties can be very complex, but this helps them to find motivation and meaning in their work.


Technological advances, as everything is evolving very fast in a direction that requires children to be equipped with skills and attitudes towards technology and IT. The relationship between the lack of computer skills and the quality of life and social integration of children and young people is increasing and social integration of children and young people is becoming more and more direct.
The social crisis generated by the pandemic increased the challenges for this group of children. Before the pandemic, they had no technological equipment and no family members to help them with their homework, but the crisis exposed this and increased its negative consequences. Today there is a huge gap in the curriculum and children feel frustrated.

Grade of linkage with the Safe Education Model

Balia Infancia works on bonding and attachment with students through personalised practices and strategies that aim to create a safe, nurturing and trusting environment for participants. These practices include classes and workshops adapted to the needs of the participants, individualised attention, emotional support and family involvement. In addition, the creation of an atmosphere of mutual respect and the promotion of values such as tolerance, empathy and solidarity are promoted. The participation of families is valued, as collaboration between families and project professionals is considered essential for the success of the participants. In short, Baila Infancia seeks to foster the personal and social development of the participants, creating an atmosphere of trust and closeness between them and the project professionals.

Grade of linkage with the purpose of Let's Care

Balia Infancia works to combat school dropout and failure by implementing educational and emotional support activities aimed at improving the self-esteem and academic performance of the participants. To this end, specific workshops are carried out for school reinforcement and students are supported in the completion of their homework. In addition, the participation of parents and guardians in the educational process of children and young people is encouraged, offering guidance and tools for the management of difficult situations in the school and family environment.

Grade of evidence about impact and political relevance

The report for the year 2021-2022 indicates the participation in Balia Infancia of 1168 students from Madrid, Guadalajara and Seville.
The results obtained:

  • 75 % improve academically. 80 % improvement in values. 75 % improvement in emotional education. 85 % improvement in digital competences

In terms of subjects:

  • 84 % pass in language. 82 % pass in mathematics. 86 % pass in social sciences. 91 % pass natural sciences

In terms of its political relevance, Balia Infancia collaborates with various political entities, either in terms of funding or in participating in committees and working groups for the design and implementation of public policies related to education and social development. In addition, the programme has established partnerships with companies and foundations to broaden its reach and strengthen its impact on society.

Grade of evidence about impact - Project deliverables


The methodology of the Balia Infancia programme has been replicable and has the capacity to do so. Through its experience of more than 20 years, the programme has developed an innovative methodology based on the performing arts that has proven to be effective in the social and educational inclusion of children and young people in vulnerable situations.
The Balia methodology has been shared with other organisations and entities interested in replicating the model in different contexts and countries. The programme has also established strategic alliances to broaden its scope and contribute to the social and educational inclusion of more children and young people in vulnerable situations.


Inclusion, art, community

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