Emotional Education for Schools
Educación Emocional para Escuelas
Evidence of results
Purpose related to Let's Care
Level of Education
Brief description of the Project
Enhance intrapersonal intelligence and care for the emotional health of students.
Digital tool for educational centres that works on emotional education in tutorials, both for an entire centre and for a particular class. The sequencing of the classes appears directed to the teacher, who also receives a continuous record of the socioemotional competences of their students, and in this way can prevent possible disruptive actions. Mentalpage promotes the generation of emotionally healthy schools. Mentalpage covers the need for them to have a positive impact on the Intrapersonal Intelligence of the whole school community. Tutors can enhance written expression, resulting in students with greater self-esteem, more motivated, more aware and more self-confident. The whole school will add soft and digital competences.
Type of Action
Target Group and Determinants attended
Professionals involved
Networking - Actors and Institutions mobilised by the Project
Wide variety of tools to introduce emotional education in the ICT classroom. Automatic recording of student
performance, which provides a preventive character for actions that the teacher can take.
The need to have a digital device for access and the fact that it involves an economic cost for schools because it is a private platform may mean that the application does not reach the most vulnerable environments.
Grade of linkage with the Safe Education Model
The programme aims to enhance students' emotional intelligence by implementing reflexivity and self-awareness in the classroom. The tutor is provided with the tools to carry out a personalised accompaniment of the student and take care of the emotional health of their students. Ultimately, it generates a more suitable environment for learning and a more compassionate and empathetic school.
Grade of linkage with the purpose of Let's Care
The programme does not mention working on students' reflective skills to achieve better academic results or to mitigate school failure/early school leaving. It does highlight an improvement in their written and communicative skills once they use the application's tools.
Grade of evidence about impact and political relevance
Records of student information are confidential and are available to the tutor concerned and, ultimately, to the management teams. However, they do note an improvement in students' reflective and intrapersonal skills. As far as political action is concerned, the programme is only relevant in the field of educational innovation.
Grade of evidence about impact - Project deliverables
The methodology and contents are common to all the schools they work with, which may limit the particularities of each educational context. Similarly, its geographical scope may be limited to those schools with students with high purchasing power, as the platform is paid for and requires the use of technology for its use.
Reflection, intrapersonal, emotions