Let's Care Project


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Let’s Care Hub

Funded by the European Union under Horizon Europe programme – Grant Agreement 101059425

KiVa Program

University of Turku (team of researchers)


Evidence of results

Purpose related to Let's Care

Level of Education



Safe Schools

Brief description of the Project






Private (mainly sale of licences)


Preventing and reducing bullying in schools. The programme is based on the idea that preventing
and reducing bullying should be a task for the whole school community, not just students or teachers, and focuses on promoting values such as empathy, respect, cooperation and social responsibility.


The cornerstones of KiVa are three: Prevention, intervention, and monitoring
The preventive actions, such as the KiVa curriculum, are directed at all students and focus on preventing bullying. Student lessons and online games are concrete examples of these kind of actions. These measures form the backbone of KiVa.
The interventive actions in KiVa are targeted specifically to the children and adolescents who have been involved in bullying. The goal is to provide schools and students with solution-focused tools on how to put an end to bullying.
Additionally, KiVa offers tools to monitor the situation in the schools through annual online surveys for both students and staff. This feedback provides schools with information on how to improve their antibullying work.

Type of Action

Active MethodologiesAwareness sessionsTeacher training

Target Group and Determinants attended


Professionals involved

Academics and researchers

Networking - Actors and Institutions mobilised by the Project

GovernmentLocal authoritiesNGOs or third sector organisationsUniversities


The KiVa programme has had different facilitators who have contributed to its implementation and subsequent execution in many schools. Scientific evidence has supported its effectiveness in bullying prevention, which has facilitated its adoption by many schools. In addition, the flexibility and adaptability of the programme, its specific training and capacity building for educational staff and students, and the active participation of the educational community in the prevention and management of bullying, have favoured their commitment and collaboration in its implementation and execution. Furthermore, the institutional support received and the monitoring and evaluation system have facilitated its dissemination, adoption in different countries and regions, and its continuous improvement. In short, the combination of these enablers has been key to the success of the KiVa programme.


  • Two main ones have been detected:
    The need for adaptation: Although the KiVa programme is flexible and adaptable, its implementation may require specific adaptations according to the needs and characteristics of each school and educational community.
  • Training and capacity building: Training and capacity building of educational staff is a key element in the implementation of the programme, but can be difficult to achieve due to time or resource constraints.

Grade of linkage with the Safe Education Model

The KiVa programme does not focus directly on the issue of bonding and attachment in the classroom, as its main objective is the prevention and management of bullying. However, the programme seeks to promote a safe and positive school environment that fosters empathy, inclusion and cooperation among students, which can indirectly contribute to strengthening bonds and attachment among students and with adults in the school. In addition, KiVa promotes the active participation of students in the prevention and management of bullying, which can lead to a greater sense of responsibility and commitment in their relationship with the educational community.

Grade of linkage with the purpose of Let's Care

The KiVa programme does not directly address school dropout and/or failure, as its main objective is to
prevent and manage bullying. However, by creating a safe and positive school environment, where empathy,
inclusion and cooperation are fostered, it can indirectly contribute to reducing the causes of school dropout
and/or failure. In addition, the programme promotes the active participation of students in creating a positive
school environment, which can lead to a greater sense of belonging and commitment to school and reduce
dropout rates.

Grade of evidence about impact and political relevance

Data from more than 200 Finnish schools showed that after the first year of implementation, the program reduced all
forms of bullying significantly. In addition, positive effects on school liking, academic motivation and achievement have been
reported. KiVa also reduces anxiety and has a positive impact on students’ perception of their peer climate. From among
those bullied students whose case was tackled by their school’s KiVa team, 98% felt that their situation improved.
In terms of the number of beneficiaries, the KiVa Programme has been implemented in schools in other countries, with
favourable results. Its consolidation as an effective method to prevent and act against bullying has been proven.

Grade of evidence about impact - Project deliverables


The programme is replicable and has been implemented in numerous schools in different countries. The programme has a clear and well-defined structure, teaching materials and assessment tools, which facilitates its adaptation and application in different school contexts. However, it is important to bear in mind that each school has its own characteristics and needs, and may require certain adaptations and adjustments for effective implementation.


Prevention, bullying, educational community

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