Let's Care Project


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Let’s Care Hub

Funded by the European Union under Horizon Europe programme – Grant Agreement 101059425

Out of the Net

Polo Europeo della Conoscenza (Erasmus + KA2 cooperation partnership 2020-1-RO01-KA201-080342)


Evidence of results

Purpose related to Let's Care

Level of Education



Safe Education

Brief description of the Project






Public (European Union through the Erasmus+ programme)


To prevent early school leaving through a new pedagogical methodology developed on strong and innovative socio-psycho-pedagogical bases to tackle a new facing problem in the society: Hikikomori syndrome


"Out of the Net” wants to prevent social withdrawal through a socio-psycho-pedagogical method promoting real-life group interactions, creating a relational environment in which everyone can express their personal potentialities and empower social skills. These processes will be supported by psychologists, teachers, experts, and the activities held with innovative tools, like art in every dimension, robotics and continuous stimulation in self-recognition. Through the project’s activities, the students will tackle the emotional, communicative and behaviour problems that could lead to early school leaving and will develop transversal competencies, knowledge and attitudes that will help them in achieving better academic results.

Type of Action

Active MethodologiesLearning tools (roboticsResocialising childrenSharing good practicesTeacher training

Target Group and Determinants attended

FamiliesStudent (Risk of exclusion)Teachers

Professionals involved

EducatorsPsychologistsRepresentatives of educational associationsTechnology and robotics experts

Networking - Actors and Institutions mobilised by the Project

Local authoritiesNGOs or third sector organisationsSchoolsUniversities


The programme has had several facilitators for its implementation, such as the socio-psycho-pedagogical methodology, the use of innovative tools such as robotics and art, the training of teachers and educators, the creation of an educational community, the collaboration between schools, families and associations, the research and development of good practices, as well as the funding and support of the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme.


Some of the barriers that have arisen during the implementation of the Out of the Net project include a lack of motivation and commitment on the part of some participants, and difficulty in reaching students at risk of Hikikomori syndrome. In addition, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has also challenged the delivery of face-to-face activities and collaboration between project partners. However, these challenges may have been mitigated through the flexibility, creativity and commitment of those involved.

Grade of linkage with the Safe Education Model

Out of the Net is an educational programme that helps young people acquire technology skills, develop social and emotional skills, and build resilience. These skills are essential to prevent Hikkimori syndrome, as they enable young people to cope with life's challenges and avoid social isolation and dependence on technology. In addition, the programme encourages teamwork and cooperation, which can help young people build meaningful relationships with others and avoid the feeling of loneliness that often accompanies Hikkimori syndrome.

Grade of linkage with the purpose of Let's Care

The Out of the Net programme seeks to combat school dropout by implementing an innovative and personalised educational approach that is tailored to the individual needs and characteristics of each student. The programme focuses on developing social-emotional skills and building resilience, which can increase students' motivation and commitment to their education. In addition, the focus on preventing Hikkimori syndrome can also contribute to reducing the chances of dropping out of school by addressing students' mental and emotional health, which can have a significant impact on their overall well-being and academic success.

Grade of evidence about impact and political relevance

The "Out of the Net" programme has had a positive impact on the prevention of Hikikomori syndrome and the fight against school dropout. It has been recognised nationally and internationally for its innovation and effectiveness in early intervention in youth mental health. In addition, the programme has received support and funding from various government agencies and non-governmental organisations. Its policy relevance lies in the fact that it addresses a current and growing problem among young people, and its preventive approach contributes to the promotion of a healthier and more sustainable society.

Grade of evidence about impact - Project deliverables

The official website of the programme features advocacy articles.


The programme is replicable in other contexts and regions, as long as it is adapted to the specific characteristics and needs of each place. It is important to bear in mind that the programme requires an investment of resources and a comprehensive approach involving different social actors, including the education sector, the community and local authorities. However, the experience and results obtained in the implementation of ""Out of the Net '' show that it is possible to successfully address complex issues such as school dropout and Hikikomori syndrome."


Pedagogy, prevention, isolation

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