Europole - Polo Europeo della Conoscenza - within the Horizon Europe Let’s Care project, is organizing 3 free in-presence training courses "Managing difficult classes? Let's try..." on February 10 and 24, and March 31. The course is aimed at teachers, educators and social health workers who work in middle school and high school.
Europole organizes the following free training courses on Freinet Pedagogy – in Presence (with the possibility of deferred viewing); open to teachers, school managers and pedagogists.
Europole, within the Horizon Europe Let’s Care project is holding a series of training courses, both theoretical and practical, about evaluations in schools.
Europole in collaboration with Debora Niutta, is organising a series of ONLINE training courses for everyone (teachers, students, university students and parents) on coding teaching techniques to facilitate STEM learning (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
Europole, within the Horizon Europe Let’s Care project, in collaboration with Doctor Martina Brazzolotto, is organizing a free training course on gifted students and their inclusive management in the classroom.
In September 2024, the Italian partner of the Let's Care project - Europole - held a series of in-person training courses about Freinet pedagogy. At the bottom of the article, you will find two useful links about Freinet pedagogy.
The Italian partner of the Let’s Care project (Polo Europeo della Conoscenza) is holding a series of training workshops and webinars about nonviolence in February - April 2025. The meetings are free and open to all.
The Italian partner of the Let’s Care project - Polo Europeo della Conoscenza - is holding a national forum of schools for nonviolent education on Saturday 23 November 2024 in Milan. Participation in the forum is free and open to all.
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