Teachers and the future of our democracies. Study day with Philippe Meirieu in Verona
"Today, many people think of an education completely entrusted to digital. Others think that teachers should be at the service of parents, who have now become school clients. Still others want teachers to set goals related only to economics. Everywhere in Europe, teachers are increasingly controlled, subjected to standardized protocols that they are supposed to mechanically apply to their pupils; they are increasingly evaluated and often even pitted against each other. The teaching profession thus loses that precious identity that makes it so essential to the development of our democratic societies. The challenges we face demand that, against these movements, the teaching profession be taken into account in its specifically human dimension, both pedagogical and political. The teacher is not only a transmitter of knowledge; he is the one who guides each pupil to internalize the need for precision, exactitude and truth. He is also the one who, while respecting individual paths, enables everyone to share the same knowledge and "make society." The future of our democracies is thus in their hands. But is it still possible to exercise this role today? And if so, how?" Philippe Meirieu
Morning 08:30
Registration of participants by students of the Alberghiera Luigi Carnacina school in Bardolino.
Morning 9:00 – 10:30
Greetings from Councillor Elisa la Paglia, Laura Donà – USR Veneto.
Head Alessio Perpolli. Presentation: Philippe Meirieu (Enrico Bottero- Stefano Cobello).
Host: Prof. Donato De Silvestri.
Talk: Philippe Meirieu. Topics: What are teachers for? Why teachers? Will teachers disappear? Teachers as sentinels of democracy. Debate.
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee Break
Prepared and served by students of the Alberghiera Luigi Carnacina school in Bardolino.
11:30 – 12:30
Debate continuation.
Enrico Bottero:
The teacher as a builder of democracy.
12:30 – 14:00
Prepared and served by students of the Alberghiera Luigi Carnacina school in Bardolino.
Afternoon 14:30 – 17:00
Participants will choose a working group. These will be led by teachers with Freinet pedagogy. Groups:
- Digital and its role in school/society;
- School: institution or on-demand service? Relationships with parents;
- Pedagogical freedom and the teacher's areas of action;
- Foundations of school culture in a globalized world.
Afternoon 17:00 – 18:00
Summary of group works.
A representative for each working group will present the work carried out and the discussions that took place.
Conclusions by Philippe Meirieu.