Let's Care Project


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Let’s Care Project

Funded by the European Union under Horizon Europe programme – Grant Agreement 101059425

Stakeholders Network

The LET’S CARE Network is a dynamic and structured opportunity for engagement at a European scale, it aims to create a collaborative and inclusive environment where all voices about Safe Education are heard and valued. The LET’S CARE Stakeholder Network is an active participation environment composed of members representing the educational sector to cooperate, discuss and contribute to the co-creation of the Safe Education model.

It is a real and virtual space in which the principles of the Safe Education approach are promoted and supported through the involvement of scientific community, students, families, teachers, school boards, policymakers, NGOs.

The Network creates a European-wide link between professionals and organizations who share common understanding of the importance of preventing exclusion, underachievement, disengagement and school dropout through the creation of a safe educational environment for all learners.

The Network promotes collaboration and collective action to address the challenges faced by the education sector:

  • Students and their security in relation with the family, teachers, schools and community.
  • Teachers and their relations to students and their families.
  • School organisation and community.
  • Policy and society.

The main topics addressed within the Network are:

  • Inclusive education to remove the barriers faced by students in vulnerable conditions.
  • The interaction of gender equality and education, specifically how gender dynamics may impact safe-teaching competencies.
  • The significance of child attachment, teacher-student attachment relationships, and the role of school climate in fostering academic engagement, achievement and success.
  • The socio-economic benefits of Safe Education for students and their broader environment, emphasizing aspects such as enhanced well-being, strengthened social ties within educational communities, improved future opportunities for children, and an enriched sense of community belonging.
  • The benefits of being an active participant within the LET’S CARE Network and Community.

The advantages of being part of the Let’s Care Network of Stakeholders are:

  • Receive specific information on Safe Teaching to improve the academic results and inclusion of all the students.
  • Understand the dynamics of successful academic results and reduce the drop-out rates.
  • Belong to a Network of support and exchange of safe educational practices.
  • Get to know new educational strategies and good practices.
  • Take advantage of the direct results of the piloting phase.
  • Strengthen the collaboration among schools and institutions at the European level.
  • Be able to develop, promote and encourage the implementation of quality, sustainable and inclusive educational practices, projects and activities.
  • Be involved in dialogue, reflection, cooperation and innovation in the educational field.

Each member can freely choose between different levels of participation in the Network’s activities:

a. Recipients of information: At the most basic level, you can choose to be recipients of information and participants in the LET’S CARE Hub communities. In this role, you will be kept informed about the project’s developments, goals, and activities. This role is crucial for those who wish to stay updated and potentially share this information within their own Networks, although without active involvement in the project’s activities.

b. Contributors to dissemination: You can contribute to the dissemination of the project’s concepts and principles, focused on the promotion of a Safe Education environment. This role consists of actively spreading awareness and information about the LET’S CARE project within their communities and Networks.

c. Active participants in co-creation and PAR: you can also choose to be more actively involved as participants in co-creation and Participatory Action Research (PAR). This involves engaging in activities such as contributing practices, participating in the DELPHI validation process, and being involved in stakeholder interviews. This role is ideal for those who wish to have a hands-on impact on the project’s direction and outcomes.

d. Advocates for policy and action: In the most active role, you can serve as advocate, supporting and promoting policy actions that align with the Network’s goals. This role entails actively pushing for changes, mobilizing resources, and forming alliances to support the cause of Safe Education at various levels.

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