On the 13th of January 2024, Lurdes Veríssimo from UCP, held a presentation during the 5th cycle of Conferences Innovate in Education, Citizenship and Network in the city of Viseu (Portugal).
On the 6th of July 2024, the Portuguese Let's Care team participated in the 45th Annual International School Psychology Conference in Riga (Latvia). They presented results from data with teachers and parents on facilitators and barriers to safe teaching.
FHV’s scholarly paper on “Agile Requirements Engineering as a Service: the Co-Creation of the Let’s Care Hub” was presented at this year’s edition of the ICE IEEE/ITMC Conference.
Elvira Mateos Carmona, PhD in Anthropology, specialized in qualitative social research, talks about the Let’s Care project and the Photovoice technique.
Professor and researcher Ana Berástegui shared the keys to the attachment theory that underpin the Let's Care project during the inaugural presentation of "Las pruebas de la educación" in Zaragoza.
Pedro Dias and Lurdes Veríssimo, two members of the Portuguese team of Let's Care Project, wrote an opinion article for the newspaper "Público" in Portugal.
The Let’s Care Hub is launching a new webpage called “Research Results” in which we present the discoveries of the Let’s Care project’s research.
The Let's Care Hub's Tutorials page will explain everything our users need to know to make the most of the Hub.
On June 6 there will be a webinar with Italo Fiorin and Ermanno Morello open to teachers and school managers of all school levels.
In July and September 2024, the Let's Care team from Portugal will present their work at two renowned international conferences.