Mercoledì 18 Dicembre 2024 dalle ore 17 alle 19 – Bambini e nuove tecnologie
come l’uso improprio delle nuove tecnologie ( device – smartphone e tablet) sia dannoso alla crescita del sistema neuronale. emotivo, socializzante, e collaborativo dei bambini.
Mercoledì 29 Gennaio dalle ore 17 alle ore 19 – Pause di gioco a scuola
Il tempo della pause e del gioco come si rapporta con la crescita del neuro sviluppo armonico dei bambini
Mercoledì 5 Marzo 2025 dalle ore 17 alle ore 19 – Leggere, scrivere, calcolare… come funziona il cervello dei bambini e come si apprende
19 febbraio ore 16:30 – 18.30 con Anna Ferraris Oliviero: “Scuola-famiglia, adozione di un linguaggio comune nel prendersi cura del bambino”.
20 febbraio ore 16:30 – 18.30 con Alberto Oliviero: “Le conseguenze dell’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie nei bambini”.
Gli incontri si terranno presso l’Istituto Enrico Toti a Musile di Piave in provincia di Venezia, Via Marconi 3. Gli incontri saranno registrati e potranno essere visibili su questa pagina dopo una settimana circa dalla registrazione
La rete Polo Europeo della Conoscenza, nell'ambito del progetto Horizon Europe let's Care in collaborazione con la Dottoressa Martina Brazzolotto organizza un corso di formazione gratuito sugli alunni gifted e la gestione inclusiva degli stessi in classe.
During a workshop organised by prof. Maria Marta Urlińska, the attending doctoral students prepared individual scientific posters that were later presented during the poster session at the International Scientific Conference: “Colors and shades of life – personal, educational, social and cultural spaces of everyday life”.
On the 6th of September 2024, the Portuguese Let’s Care team participated in the 9th European Network for Social and Emotional Competence (ENSEC) Conference in Chania (Greece). The presentation, entitled “School Engagement and Academic Achievement: The role of relationships with parents and peers”, highlighted some of the main results from a systematic literature review conducted in the Let’s Care Project.
Two representatives from the Let’s Care project team from University Ignatianum in Cracow participated in the Scientific Conference “Social Pedagogy In Service To Man And Community” which was held at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan on April 16, 2024. Prof. Anna Błasiak and PhD Ewa Dybowska delivered the presentation entitled “Protective factors of the school environment vs. strengthening resilience in the family”.
One of the dissemination activities of the Let's Care Project was the workshop for parents and grandparents entitled "School as a subject of research. School climate and school achievement". The workshop was led by a member of the Let's Care team from University Ignatianum in Krakow, prof. Maria Marta Urlińska. The online meeting was organized on April 9, 2024.
The 4th International Scientific Conference took place on March 5, 2024. One of the speakers was PhD Jarosław Charchuła from Ignatianum University in Cracow (UIK), who presented the speech entitled “The education system as a guarantor of safety – difficulties and challenges”.
All’interno delle attività del progetto Let's Care il 17 settembre 2024 si terrà la conferenza online “Building Safe Educational Environments for All” (costruire un ambiente educativo emotivamente sicuro per tutti).
On January 19, 2024, Professor Ana Berastegui, co-coordinator of the Let's Care Project and member of the team at Universidad P. Comillas de Madrid, participated in the Directors' Meeting of the Teresian Schools Network in Los Negrales, Madrid. She delivered a presentation titled "Schools that Care and Teach to Care".