The Let’s Care Hub is launching a new webpage called “Research Results” in which we present the discoveries of the Let’s Care project’s research. This research, carried out by a team of experts, includes 120 schools, 18,000 students, and 2,400 teachers in six European countries, with a focus on disadvantaged learners. The Let’s Care project uses a comprehensive approach, including collaborative methods, to transform its research into practical policies to promote safe and caring schools and combat social exclusion.
We believe that viewing our results will help the members of the Let’s Care Community understand our mission’s impact and how the Let’s Care project contributes to enhancing secure educational environments.
The first bit of research to be published on our Hub are the research results of using the Photovoice technique, which combines the tool of life stories with the potential of photography. This innovative strategy was developed by the Let’s Care project experts to empower research for NEETS (neither in employment nor in education or training) who have gone through second chance schools.
The Photovoice technique is a participatory research and action methodology that uses the creation of images as a tool to access the reflection and subjectivity of the young people participating in this study and analyse it while also creating a process of self-awareness and empowerment in the participants.
Various countries participated in this research using the Photovoice technique: Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Spain. If you wish to view the results of this research and see the images taken by the students using the Photovoice technique, click on the button below.